Fridge freezers should last 10+ years provided that you clean and maintain them, however you could potentially reduce your energy usage and save money on your bills by replacing your older, inefficient appliance with a newer A-rated one. Some people also decide to get a new fridge freezer so they can benefit from useful innovations like smart technology or fast freezing. There may be signs that your appliance is ready for a change such as:
Excessive condensation on the inside or outside of the appliance;
Food not lasting as long as it should
The fridge is warm/hot to the touch at the back;
Frost is building up in the fridge or freezer compartment;
The amount of noise it produces has changed significantly (either it has become far louder or quieter).
If you notice any of these signs, contact a fridge freezer repair specialist. They'll be able to advise you whether your appliance can be fixed or if it's time for a new one.